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Saturday, May 29, 2010

4 Hours, <3

Happy guessing people.
Midyear exam's over alre, then went fr the MTPS yesterday with my sister to get back my report book. Passed all subjects except fr combined humaities. English also, passed by a small margin. Ah, and my L1R5's actually 34 points. Someone cursed me in advance before i got back the results. Haha, BULLSEYE. Result's like shit, my Target was 11 points, and it's like dam far away even +9 already! I/m gonna study fr this June holidays alre, 1 year + 6 months to Olevels. And, i dont want to retain! Stupid can, i got a B3/4 fr my maths know. And it's like dam lousy, C6 fr Amaths. Working on it also, ahhhhhhhh.
Esp my chinese, i got a B4 i think, SUPER lousy can. I dont know what's wrong with me.

Forget it/
Meeting up with Cheng Ning later; (L) Luvzxchu <3

Monday, May 24, 2010


; I'm random, haha. Blog's like so dead right now?